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15 Mar 2010

Church claims pedophilia is everywhere..

Computer problems over, so back to a regular schedule. Ridiculous attempts at relativity from Rome today. Pedophilia is so rife in the outside world, people shouldn't be surprised that there are so many cases of it in an international organisation like the church. I'd never seen it that way, cardinal in charge of PR. It's almost as if they're doing this on purpose now. What the hell is wrong with an apology? Or massive show trials? Everyone knows it's been going on for years. It's also the most obvious end result of denying people relationships with adults and then putting them in charge of kids. Would you hire a recovering drug addict to be the night watchman in your heroin factory? Who knew billions of years old sex drives would trump a set of contradictory and useless rules? Why can't they just turn over the pedophiles? Society outside the church does harbor less of them, because hen they're caught, they're severely punished. And how could the church possibly be against that?

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