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6 Jan 2010

Harry Potter and the welcome explanation

I think there's not enough serious literary criticism on youtube, but this comes close. I love the juxtaposition of Rammstein and what appears to be a cheery scrapbooking template. But seriously folks, I was mystified by how bad those last three Harry Potter books were, and mostly just toed the party line (I have friends who dressed up for the various releases) and agreed that it was awesome Harry defeated Evil, despite everything feeling kind of forced and weird. Luckily, this guy took it on himself to explain why that is. I'm not pretending I felt the calvinism, but there was something strange about all the righteous vengeance and suddenly straightforward plot. Now, all I have to do is internalise this argument and I can rain fiery hell down on Rowling apologists, if it deem it necessary. I can only tender the suggestion you do the same, hilarity is bound to ensue.

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