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16 Jun 2010

Politics 2: The great unwashed...

That's the swing voter, but also the general public at large. Most people are so confused and bewilderd by the modern world, they let themselves be influenced by whatever random concept of order politicians suggest, but never promise. Some people vote for the same party their entire lives, or large chunks of it, without ever reading a party program or a newspaper or watching the news. These people's polutical opinions are formed entirely from visual cues, conversations with equally ignorant people and vague ideas about where a party is on the spectrum vis-a-vis their own uninformed opinions. Scared out of their minds and bored and frustrated with the long and complex stories you have to follow to make sense of the world, they're easy prey for manipulative pricks that put on some bullshit persona to win the right to boss them around: I give you the general public.

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