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3 Apr 2010

Food inspiration

I was all set to make a breakfast burrito tomorrow, but the recipes just didn't appeal to me, consisting mostly of too many burrito staples, or too bland breakfast fare. Potatoes, onions and bell peppers sausage and scrambled eggs just aren't enough. Until I intuited what I really wanted, I was lost...
But Lo and Behold:
The English Breakfast Burrito!
-Baked Beans
-Scrambled Eggs
-Hash Browns

Prepare all simultaneously, throw in Burrito, dollop of sour cream, salt, pepper and
finish with brown sauce or ketchup.

I'm going to cook this tomorrow, and then you'll have photographic evidence.

2 Apr 2010

April fool's day is now approved by major corporations

I've seen no pranks whatsoever by real people today, but hundreds of youtube video's, etc. by those brave defenders of comedy, the marketeers. Welcome to the new age of boring wackiness, with tons of bland comedy and lack of interest. Not that relying on the organised wackiness of your friends and family wasn't often gut-wrenchingly awful, but at least there was the possibility of someone spectacularly missing the point or doing something awful and inappropriate. Another monocultural milestone crumbles...

31 Mar 2010

Brand diversification...

I used to love the National Geographic magazine, perfect for all the information you needed for any kind of school project and full of interesting pictures and diagrams to contrast the long, boring articles. When I became a bit older, the articles were actually okay, even if they were mostly written in that awful arch magazine style that makes so many publications utterly exhausting to read. But the National Geographic channel is mostly awful. Somehow it always manages to be less informative and a lot more pointlessly stupid than Discovery. There's a hell of a lot more 'America's blankest blank' รก la Fox, and a lot less things you actually want to know. This is beyond the pale though. Who in their right minds would buy National geographic endorsed scents? What's next? The Economist sponsored global capitalism meal at McDonald's? Did the latest round of re- or deconglomeration turn these two into strange bedfellows? And what marketing dickhead engineered this?

30 Mar 2010

I finally know my place...

In this Nerdy diagram about Nerds, dorks, dweebs and geeks, you can finally properly locate yourself as one of the archetypes. I was sure I was Nerd, but considering my disappointing levels of obsession, I'm probably a dweeb. Let's have a little poll. Results on Friday. Or just look at them now...

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Comics briefly relevant...

If you haven't been following Captain America, which I hadn't since the Civil War crossover killed him, you wouldn't know the latest issue was controversial for it's portrayal of tea party protesters, i.e. right-wing nut jobs who have a lot of unfocused anger about there being a black democrat in the white house, etc. and are using imagery from the American Revolution as a symbol to rally behind, presumably unaware of the sexual connotations of 'teabags' these days. The joke wasn't lost on the writer, artist and letterer of the comic, who decided to make a mild meta joke. This infuriated those morons who managed to wrangle an apology out of Joe Quesada, Marvel's awful and widely despised Editor-in-Chief, who also denied responsibility and threw the letterer under the bus. No one seems to care that this is exactly what the Captain America comic should be doing. The 70's and 80's were full of cynical storylines about the Dark Underbelly of The American Dream. The recent Disney takeover of Marvel might have something to do with it, Disney is great at being inoffensive and knows all about being litigious.

28 Mar 2010

Rare Saturday post...

One more Music gripe. Two summers ago I was genuinely addicted to that Katy Perry song about her boring Lesbian adventure. Awful idea, singing, but awesome production. Then her second single went to much more boring and predictable places and I haven't cared since. The same thing is probably happening with Keisha, or however you're supposed to spell it. Compare if you will the rising tide of mediocrity:

Interesting, just the right kind of annoying first single:

Lackluster sophmore entries..: