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29 Jan 2010

I'm not angry I'm disappointed 4: Living in a mediocre world

The inability of the powers that be not to take themselves seriously has led to, what in my opinion is the most fertile artistic period since the 1960's, that is if you can stand the irony. It's so difficult to be authentic when everything seems so reminiscent of a sitcom. The only defining paradigm is if you mean it seriously. Because if you do, and it's not great, you've failed. In fact it's a lot easier not to take it seriously at all. I think it's one of the main reasons there's so much weird Nerd culture leaking into the main stream these days. It's almost always genre fare, but it's still a hundred times better than a sitcom anyone under forty can see is blatantly manufactured. Technology has a lot to do with it, but it's not everything. It just allowed a certain saturation point to be reached a lot earlier than it would have otherwise. Information itself has become a different animal. At the risk of sounding like a cybergoth, it's like it's becoming self-aware, but thinks everything is either lame or sorta cool because at least it's it's own thing.

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