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27 Mar 2010

Musical hairsplitting makes your life easier..

Thanks to the genius of music writers, I can now identify the two musical trends I love and loathe by easy labels. Kindercore is a label name but feels like it should be the name of the twee 'movement'. Owl City fits the definition but it also includes Belle and Sebastian and weirdly the Smiths, which I like. I can assume that's a bit of absurd bombardment of influences to forerunners, since for me at least, the whole point of the Smiths is the palatable lack of sincerity. Unfortunately for the label, which has a quite a few acts that I don't mind I'll never be able to identify them with anything else but this shit:

On the positive side is stuff like new young pony club, alphabeat, etc. Now collected under the name 'Wonky Pop'. Terrible name, but at least I can use it as a search term. Even if I've never heard of the band, it's become a reliable way of identifying what I like. Most of the DJ's doing the remixes are people left standing after 'electroclash' failed to become the next rock 'n roll. I couldn't think of a better recommendation.

If you want to make a sweet song, at least make it fast and danceable.

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