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30 Mar 2010

Comics briefly relevant...

If you haven't been following Captain America, which I hadn't since the Civil War crossover killed him, you wouldn't know the latest issue was controversial for it's portrayal of tea party protesters, i.e. right-wing nut jobs who have a lot of unfocused anger about there being a black democrat in the white house, etc. and are using imagery from the American Revolution as a symbol to rally behind, presumably unaware of the sexual connotations of 'teabags' these days. The joke wasn't lost on the writer, artist and letterer of the comic, who decided to make a mild meta joke. This infuriated those morons who managed to wrangle an apology out of Joe Quesada, Marvel's awful and widely despised Editor-in-Chief, who also denied responsibility and threw the letterer under the bus. No one seems to care that this is exactly what the Captain America comic should be doing. The 70's and 80's were full of cynical storylines about the Dark Underbelly of The American Dream. The recent Disney takeover of Marvel might have something to do with it, Disney is great at being inoffensive and knows all about being litigious.

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